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Language: en
Pages: 103
Authors: Andrey Tikhomirov
Categories: History
Type: BOOK - Published: 2022-05-15 - Publisher: Litres


O livro fala sobre os antigos movimentos migratórios dos povos românicos depois que eles deixaram seu lar indo-europeu original, a região estepe dos Urais do
Popoare romanice. Migrația indo-europeană
Language: en
Pages: 102
Authors: Andrey Tikhomirov
Categories: History
Type: BOOK - Published: 2022-05-15 - Publisher: Litres


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The Romanic peoples. Indo-European migrations
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Authors: Andrey Tikhomirov
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The book talks about the ancient migratory movements of the Romanic peoples after they left their original Indo-European home, the southern region of the Ural s
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